Telecommuting is becoming more popular at offices, as more companies allow employees to work from home or at other places. There are numerous benefits of working remotely and telecommuting at home, for employers as well as employees. Teleworking can provide the ability to save time and money and more flexibility for both sides. The article we will discuss what telecommuting actually is and the benefits it offers both the employer and the employee.
What exactly is telecommuting?
Telecommuting is an arrangement of work which allows employees to work at a different location than their office. This usually means that they work at home however it also allows you to have the possibility of working during travel or while you are away from home. Internet access is typically required to work remotely and is also the case with modern remote working software like Skype software for video conferences, emails, and other tools that allow teams collaborate and benefit from telecommuting advantages.
Telecommuting is usually available on a part-time basis which allows employees to work from their homes on a limited number of days and still work during office hours. It may also be provided as a full-time schedule in which you just need to visit the office for specific events or special events. Other terms, like working from home or remote working hybrid working can refer to similar arrangements.
Telecommuting benefits for employees as well as employers
Telecommuting can benefit both employers as well as employees working who work in places that are well-suited to flexible work arrangements. Working remotely isn’t just getting more popular and convenient, it also increases productivity and output and reduce overheads for employers. Here are a few advantages of telecommuting that are the most important at work currently:
Set your own schedule
For employees, remote positions allow you to set your own hours. Remote working makes it easier to attain a better time-to-work balance. This allows you to:
Your work schedule should be centered with your family, ensuring you take your kids to school or the childcare center while getting things done at work.
Do your household chores and tidy up in break times throughout the day, instead of being required to return home and complete chores at night.
Reduce your commute time by allowing one hour or more each day to do some exercise or just relax.
Flex your schedule around your personal and social life and meet with friends, attending appointments with your doctor and other scheduled events.
It is important to work where your efficiency and focus are at their highest regardless of whether it means rising early or staying in.
Improve your productivity and improve your performance
It is possible that you believe your productivity is higher when working from home as you’re more at ease and enthusiastic. Most staff members discover that they are less prone to distractions while working from home. They also have more flexibility, which means you are able to work at time slots that match your routine and preferences. For example, the ability to begin early in the morning could boost your productivity , especially if you’re one who’s most productive during the night.
Encourage healthy lifestyles
People who work from home are healthier than their counterparts who work from offices. The reduction or elimination of the long commutes between work and home allows you to have more time which you can dedicate to your health by running, walking and going to the gym , or engaging in sports or other sports-related activities. Being more flexible at work could mean that you’ll be able to find it easier to schedule doctor’s appointments as required and even have less sick days because of better health.
Cut down on your carbon footprint
The introduction of remote work can be a significant impact on the carbon footprint of your company. If you don’t have to travel for work on a regular basis, you’ll have the ability to decrease the number of cars in the roadway which will have a major impact on the carbon footprint on a regular basis. A decreased requirement for office space and office equipment also benefits the environment around the company’s principal office, which means you may be breathing more clean air during the times that you do visit the office.
Motivation and happiness are increased.
As well as increasing your productivity Working from home may improve your motivation and increase your happiness. This could be due to the fact that a company that allows the option working from your home is more trusting of you than they do, which could positively impact your motivation and perception of worth. Your coworkers are also likely to feel confident that they can utilize their expertise to focus on getting a better balance in their work-life and can result in them being more enjoyable working with they were before.
Employees who are happy also have more retention, which means many of your colleagues not looking elsewhere, partly due to the fact that they appreciate the flexibility that employers give them. With higher retention rates, employers that provide telecommuting and flexible working may also be able to hire from a greater number of applicants when the time comes to advertise for a new job. It could mean that you’re confronted with an increased variety of employees because your employer can attract new talent to their organization.
Industries in which telecommute jobs are a possibility
It’s no secret that telecommuting can be more beneficial in certain industries than other. The manual jobs that require physical presence aren’t ideal for remote work. However, many of the modern jobs in the office can be completed in the same way from home in the present as be done from the office. Marketing, administration or even customer care can be completed with computers and other tools. While working from home becomes more commonplace employers are facing the pressure of employees who need more flexibility in their work.
Jobs that can be telework-friendly include:
Data entry clerks
Graphic designers
Insurance agents
Sales reps
Software engineers
Travel agents
Web designers
Tips for telecommuters
If you’re beginning an employment opportunity that allows flexibility in your work schedule or your current position is remote, be sure to take these steps to increase your productivity while working at home:
Connect with your colleagues. Stay in contact with your managers and colleagues and managers, keeping track of your activities throughout the day and making sure that you’re available through a messaging or video calls whenever someone requires you.
Find a place that is comfortable to work. Design a space solely for work. Make sure you have everything you require including your computer along with paper, pens, and a pencil. make sure the space is clear of clutter and other distractions.
Establish a routine. Follow a plan that’s ideal for you. Remote work offers more flexibility, however you might find that keeping the set hours and adhering to them is more beneficial for you.
Check your own efficiency. Be aware of your own strengths and weaknesses, and keep an focus on ways to keep your productivity high all day long. If regular breaks mean that you are able to complete more tasks and you can schedule them in a way that works for you, then do so.
Strategies for introducing telecommuting to an employee
In the event that you’re in a supervisory job and your employer has suggested that you establish the concept of telecommuting, it could be a huge benefit for the office staff and management. Make sure to follow these steps to make sure that your approach to telecommuting lets employees work efficiently:
Set the rules in advance. Set up a clear policy on telecommuting that is applicable to all employees. It is essential to ensure that everyone knows what’s expected of them and that the policies for remote work are fair. Therefore, write an outline of a policy that every employee should adhere to, including you.
Give the required equipment. Be sure that your employees are equipped to be able to work from home. It is possible to talk with your employer regarding covering the expense of laptops and accessories for employees as well as giving everyone involved the list of required software that they can install at home.
Stay in contact to your coworkers. Set up regular meetings and meetings to ensure that everyone is in constant communication with each others and ensure that communication channels are available in both directions, so that managers and staff are able to communicate with each other at any time.
Organise socials regularly. Spend time and money organizing regular social gatherings to ensure a sense of teamwork and cooperation between your colleagues, even when they’re not at the office regularly.