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Creative Packaging Options For Moving House In Bromley

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Are you planning to move? Consider this guide for moving your house in a sustainable manner and full of helpful guidelines for moving in a environmentally sustainable way.

What’s the first thought that comes to mind when I mentioned the possibility of moving? If you mentioned stress, I’d be able to practically high-five you. This is due to the stress of moving house is usually the first thing that pops into your mind when considering any possible house relocation.

In my adulthood I’ve moved houses seventeen occasions (17!) and am therefore well-versed on the stress of moving houses. The last house move we made was the most stressful house move to the present. The home we bought was on the market up to the time that we received the keys. Then, we received the keys only at 4:40 pm the day we moved. We had to move our belongings out while the owner of our house had moved in their belongings! It’s no surprise that I’m not planning to move for a long time!

In addition to stress Is there something else that comes into your mind when you think of moving? The first thought or second may not be the environmental impact of the move. But, there are certain eco-friendly things to think about when you are planning to relocate your house.

A Guide for Moving House The Eco-friendly Method

Here are some of my tried-and-trusted suggestions to help you move your house in a sustainable way.

De-clutter before packing

If I were to offer anyone any tips for eco-friendly moving or suggestions, it would be to always clear the clutter before you begin thinking about packing your belongings. Deleting things that you don’t use means you will require less boxes and packaging materials. This could also mean that you require the use of a smaller removals truck and you’ll save a significant amount of carbon emissions and money.

Sorting out the wheat from the chaff helps in packing and unpacking much simpler. I’ve noticed that when I follow this method, I don’t find that unopened, rogue box of junk that can take, um, up to a year or more, to finally open and getting rid of.

Expert in decluttering Marie Kondo measures decluttering success by the number of bins that are empty and then thrown away. I have a different method. I have numerous issues regarding Marie Kondo, which I could go on about for hours. But, for the sake of keeping it short and to the core of the matter, the only thing I’ll mention is the fact that there is so lots of waste in this method of organizing.

Decluttering isn’t a matter of throwing everything into the trash that you do not have the need for. It was in the previous years (pre-Marie Kondo) I wrote extensively about ways to reduce clutter sustainably. Before you grab an empty bin bag, I’d suggest taking a look. I give suggestions on what is possible to make of unwanted items to keep them out of the landfill and active for a longer time. If you’ve worn out or damaged objects, I give advice on where you can safely dispose of the items after their life span.

Cardboard Boxes

After you’ve cleared out your home after that, you’re ready to move to packing. The cardboard boxes are a green aspect to take into consideration when moving home in a sustainable manner.

Many removal firms provide their own new, brand-new boxes and packaging materials for an additional cost to you. You can also purchase boxes and packing materials on the internet. Although you can reuse cardboard boxes after moving I’ve always believed that it’s an encroachment of resources and money to purchase new cardboard for the purpose of moving things from one place to another.

To help save resources (and some money) in the past , I have always had a great connection with the local stores. The majority of shops don’t keep cardboard boxes due to being a fire hazard. But, what you can ask staff members when the delivery day will be. Then, you can visit that day to pick up a few cardboard boxes prior to being taken to the recycling center.

After talking to the manager of the local store I was informed that the delivery day was Wednesday afternoon. That meant that every Wednesday evening for the next few weeks, I went to the shop and picked up the most boxes I could. This prevented us from purchasing tons of new cardboard, and also the cardboard that was to be recycled an opportunity to live another day before it was recycled. Win-win!

Innovative Packaging Options for Moving House

Alternately, you can be creative with the things you have in your home by using suitcases instead of boxes. Ask your family and friends to lend you one of their luggage for your home move.

Laundry bags are an ideal option to replace boxes. They can usually take a lot of clothes inside them and they’re more convenient to carry than boxes.

Eco-friendly Packaging Materials

Of course, you cannot move your possessions using cardboard boxes by themselves. Items that are fragile require some kind of protection against bumps and knocks in the process of moving. Although the majority of packaging materials are made of plastic There are also eco-friendly alternatives in the process of moving your home.

If I’m planning a move, I request all my friends to save their old papers for us. This means we don’t have to buy packaging papers. Also, I make a point of saving any packaging papers and bubble wrap which is brought into our home prior to the major relocation. I also request my colleagues to take the bubble wrap which is brought with delivery, in order to be reused.

If your business doesn’t receive lots of deliveries, or you’re not working, then an alternative to consider is Freecycle. What I’ve observed in my many years of using Freecycle is that the items that are not needed anymore but may be useful to someone, then the Freecycler will post it on Freecycle. I’ve seen odd items appear on Freecycle in the past. So, I can tell you that almost always someone will give you a bunch of bubble wrap , or even a huge package of packaging paper they’ve amassed and want to get rid of.

If Freecycle isn’t able to provide the goods alternative places to consider are Gumtree or Facebook marketplace.

Get in touch with our team when you need a Bromley removal company.

If you prefer not to use plastic bubble wrap when moving your home, there are alternative options that are green to bubble wrap. Corrugated cardboard “bubble” packaging peanuts to wraps constructed from corn starch which can be submerged in water or placed into your composter. There are a lot of creative alternatives available online if willing to shell out the money.

Of course, the alternative to a greener option is to make use of clean towels, clothing and sheets to wrap breakables. It’s a great method to reduce space as well!

Packaging made of plastic-free Tape

When it comes to tapes to seal your boxes one option to consider instead of the standard packaging tape made of plastic is packaging tape made from paper*. This tape is made of completely recycled papers with a latex-based glue that can be completely biodegradable.