You probably have some tapes of your family film recordings from the 80s and 1990s. These tapes hold precious memories from your family’s childhood. They can only be watched if there is a working camera that can plug into the TV. It is a lengthy process that most people don’t want to do and requires special technology and cables that might not be available anymore.
Camcorders work with 8mm tapes which are seldom used today. They allowed us to enjoy a new age in home video-making. But over the years, camcorders can let their tapes deteriorate, making it difficult to watch. It is essential to convert your tapes from a camcorder to digital or DVD format if you want your family films to be saved.
Why Convert Camcorder Tapes from Digital to Digital?
There are many great reasons to convert camcorder tapes from analog format to digital. Here are some reasons why you should get rid of your old videos and convert them.
Tapes deteriorate.
Camcorder tapes are not designed to last forever, even when stored in ideal conditions. Digital files do not naturally degrade like camcorder tapes. With each year that passes, your tapes become more susceptible to becoming damaged or unplayable, leading to the loss of precious family footage.
Digital is more flexible
Camcorder tapes are only compatible with camcorders. They are increasingly hard to find and difficult to use. If your camcorder breaks, it will become almost impossible to locate one. A family video that cannot be played in a single format can be very frustrating. If you want your family to enjoy the footage, it is a good idea to keep a working camera around.
With an internet connection, digital files can be played on smartphones, tablets, computers, and shared instantly with others around the world. Your videos can be accessed more easily and shared with your family. You can also keep backup copies on different devices for the worst.
Why Your Camcorder Tapes Should Not Be Converted to USB At Home
Converting old camcorder tapes to mp4 format is an appealing idea for the reasons mentioned above. However, it should not been attempted at home. Below are some reasons why.
You might not have the correct equipment.
Converting tapes from USB to USB is a complicated task that requires special equipment. To achieve successful results, you must use the correct wiring and devices. Most likely, you don’t have this equipment at home.
It will be very expensive.
Concerning the previous point: specialist equipment is costly if purchased for home use. Also, each piece of equipment will need to be paid for individually. Once this happens, it is easy to lose track of how much money you have spent. A professional video conversion company, such as ours, will charge a one-time payment and complete the job in full.
Your house will be cluttered by all the equipment.
After you’re done using the equipment, it will be gone from your home. The best thing about converting camcorder videos to USB, is that they take up much less space. And by having the conversion equipment, you’re filling up space again.
There are many ways to risk losing the special moments in your family’s life.
If you attempt to convert home movies by yourself, you risk losing the footage and possibly damaging the tapes. This could lead to serious damage. We can help you with this.